The Other Half of Race Course Road, Temples and… Toilets?

Race Course Road is not a nice linear stretch, it cracks and breaks in the centre. The main road merges with another while a small alley runs parallel bearing the same name. This is the Race Course Road of a different nature. This is Race Course Road of temples. The walk in reminds you of…

Fu Lu Shou Complex, for Taoist, Buddhist and Folk Religion items

The Sanxing of traditional Chinese culture are Fu Lu and Shou. These deities manifest the three most important traits for the “good life” in Chinese culture – prosperity (Fu), status (Lu) and longevity (Shou). This belief goes very far back and most ancestral homes and folk temples have altars with the statues of these deities….

Hong San See Temple at Md Sultan Road

While most of Asia practices Buddhism, Taoism is a less widespread religion confined to people of Chinese ancestry. Founded by Lao Tzu, Taoism is a practice of the Tao (or Dao), the main text is the Tao Te Jing. Taoism came to prominence in early China’s philosophical golden age. This period was characterised by six…

Thian Hock Keng Temple

Ah Loy stepped off the boat, he was finally here after the long perilous journey down the ocean. Yong Kee, the other friend from the same town, had died of dysentery on the boat journey down. He was from the Zhangzhou in Fujian. When he got off the boat, the foreman who met him at…

Kusu Island

Turtles and tortoises are considered very lucky reptiles in Chinese culture. They live long lives and are considered the wise ‘old men’ of the animal world. They are so important in Singapore culture that there is even an island named after it. The malay word for tortoise is ‘kusu’. Located about 5.6 km from Singapore…

Getai and ‘Spirit-Uplifting’ in the Heartlands

It was a long and tiring day, and all I wanted to do was get home and rest. The sun had already set by the time the train reached my stop. The short walk back, was usually a quiet one. Today was different though. As I reached the small bridge, I looked up and saw…