Makan Place – Adam’s Indian Rojak

Pasembor is the Malayan (Singapore and Malaysia) Indian version of rojak. It is also called Indian Rojak and Mamak Rojak. Adam Road Food Centre, popular for Malay and Muslim (Muslim food is not always malay) food serves some of the best Indian Rojak in town. We were there for Nasi Lemak, Nasi Lemak from No…

A Day of Eating around Johor Bahru City

Most people speak of Penang Island and Ipoh (and here) as the meccas of good food in Malaysia. So when this article came out on the Malay Mail Online, I raised an eyebrow. No one has ever made that connection, is she for real? But JB’s easier to get to than either Ipoh or Penang….

Dairy Farm Nature Reserve and the Singapore Quarry

Free rides on the Downtown Line? Sure I’ll try it! (I’m cheap that way ;)) Only thing… I didn’t know where to drop off.  So I rode the train and got off at whichever stop sounded funky. Bugis, started there…Rochor, done that… Newton, nah not feeling it… Stevens, nothing there (I think)… Botanic Gardens, let’s…

Makan Place – Selara Rasa vs No. 1’s Adam Nasi Lemak

Adam Road Food Centre is the go to place for good muslim and indian muslim cuisine when you are on the island. Situated just opposite the Botanic Gardens, the small food centre has a huge reputation and a loyal following among locals. It was opened in 1974, but was at that time notorious for its…